
Turning on the mischief marketing faucet

Turning on the mischief marketing faucet

Because Isis plays such an important role in Stan Finds Himself on the Other Side of the World, I feel like she should play a key role in the marketing. Subtle and understated, but hugely important. In considering the kinds of mischief marketing I’d like to get up to, though, I’m not quite sure how employ this loveable little Jack Russell terrier.

Mischief marketing is any form of nontraditional – and often outlandish – marketing. Leaving your bookmark in similar books in a bookstore. Writing your title in chalk on a sidewalk that gets lots of foot traffic. Attending a ballgame dressed up as a character in your book. I suppose I could order a passel of stuffed JRTs and recruit people to hide them in places around the world – making my very own Isis Search Squad. Yeah – maybe not. Could get confusing and political and stuff. Well, maybe go with the treasure hunt but use a different name.


Speaking of which, it came up the first time I did a public reading of Stan that the name Isis is also the name of a worldwide terror organization. One woman said she couldn’t focus on the story because of this. I actually thought – for a few minutes – about renaming Stan’s dog because of this. But I asked the rest of the room, and no one else had experienced such a distraction. Since I began writing this story in 2004, it far pre-dated the usurpation of the name Isis by this terror group, and thus, I decided, I’m keeping it. Reclaiming the name of the Egyptian goddess, even.


Other ways to incorporate Isis into my mischief marketing might include having a custom painting done and using that on stickers I distribute in well-trafficked areas and at well-attended events (like the big Desert Trip concert, which my husband and I had the vast joy and privilege to see live).


Another idea is to have temporary tattoos made – and distribute them in the same manner as the stickers.

I realize the ideas are endless. All I need to do is turn up the faucet from a trickle to a strong flow.


Read the FIRST 5 Chapters of Stan Finds Himself on the Other Side of the World.


LAURA ORSINI is an author and self-publishing consultant who works with other authors who want to LO picchange the world. From concept to publication to the first-time author’s book launch, her expertise will help you make a better book and find more readers. Friend her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, and check out her pins on Pinterest.

Would you eat a peanut butter, bacon, and banana panini?

Would you eat a peanut butter, bacon, and banana panini?

Oh, sometimes a person can be too clever for her own good. When I heard that November 3rd was National Sandwich Day, I was so excited about creating this writing prompt for the Author Blog Challenge (I am the host). Now, however, that I’ve got to actually answer my own prompt, it doesn’t seem so clever.

Sandwich. Sandwich. Sandwich. What are the ingredients of my book marketing sandwich? I guess the plan would be the bread that holds it all together – because without a plan, you really have more of a book marketing salad than a hearty sandwich you can easily hold in your hands.


As for the gust of my campaign, I think it’s kind of an outlandish grouping of things besides the tried and true. The great news is that a novel about a guy who travels around the world has an unending supply of potential tie-ins, from the backers of the social causes mentioned in the book (e.g., Lost Boys of Sudan, Liter of Light Project, and Art for the Homeless to name just a few) to travel Meetups to online shop owners in all the cities Stan visits. I suppose the unconventional ingredients make it most similar to a peanut butter, bacon and banana panini. You won’t catch me eating it – but somebody must, or they wouldn’t serve it at Parker and Otis.

Condiments might be honey or molasses, to sweeten the deal. That would be the social media, news releases, list building – the traditional stuff that will support and enhance the rest of my less-than-ordinary efforts.

You tell me – would you eat a peanut butter, bacon, and banana panini? Even if it were served by a dog in a chef’s hat and an apron?



Read the FIRST 5 Chapters of Stan Finds Himself on the Other Side of the World.


LAURA ORSINI is an author and self-publishing consultant who works with other authors who want to LO picchange the world. From concept to publication to the first-time author’s book launch, her expertise will help you make a better book and find more readers. Friend her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, and check out her pins on Pinterest.